Wills and Letters of Administration

The following table identifies references I have to various Wills and Letters of Administration. The amount of information held does vary from the very basic to full transcriptions. The majority of these Wills and Letters of Administration were proved in the English courts but there are some overseas entries.

I have donated my transcriptions of Oxfordshire, England related Wills and Letters of Administration to the Oxfordshire Family History Society and they are available online at http://wills.oxfordshirefhs.org.uk/ .

The Years quoted are the Year that Probate or Letters of Administration were granted and not necessarily when the person died. (Letters of Administration are used when there is no Will – although there are some cases where there are Wills submitted at the same time).

Ada Adeline Baughan  WILL1962
Ada Boffin  WILL1952
Ada Boffin  WILL1975
Ada Kezia Baughan  WILL1948
Adeline Boffin  WILL1906
Agnes Ellen Boffin  ADM1933
Albert Boffin  ADM1956
Albert DeBaughnWILL2002
Albert Edward Baughan  ADM1945
Albert Edward Baughan  ADM1951
Albert Edward Baughan  ADM1957
Albert Edward Baughan  WILL1973
Albert Edward Baughan  WILL1975
Albert Edward Baughan  WILL1995
Albert Henry Baughan  ADM1902
Albert Henry Baughan  ADM1974
Albert Richard Baughan  WILL1970
Albert William Baughan  WILL1975
Albert William Boffin  WILL1969
Albina Baughan  WILL1917
Alec Philip Baughan  WILL1989
Alexander Louis Boffin  WILL1979
Alfred Baughen  WILL1871
Alfred Boffin  WILL1938
Alfred Clifford Baughn  ADM1984
Alfred Gordon Baughan  WILL1984
Alfred Henry BaughanADM2000
Alfred Henry Baughen  ADM1929
Alfred Henry Baughen  WILL1956
Alfred Henry Boffin  ADM1952
Alfred Henry Victor Baughan  WILL1940
Alfred James Boffin  WILL1996
Alfred James Washington Baughan  ADM1927
Alice Baughan  WILL1862
Alice Baughan  ADM1930
Alice Baughan  ADM1948
Alice Baughan  ADM1954
Alice Baughan  WILL1987
Alice Boffin  WILL1953
Alice Eliza Baughan ADM1963
Alice Maud Baughan  WILL1951
Amy Baughan  WILL1899
Amy Baughan  ADM1931
Andrew Baughan  WILL1628
Ann BanghamWILL1808
Ann Baughan  WILL1876
Anna Maria Baughan  WILL1859
Anna Wilhelmine Baughan   WILL1997
Annie Alliene Baughan  WILL1964
Annie Baughan  ADM1930
Annie Baughan  ADM1943
Annie Baughan  WILL1984
Annie Baughan  WILL1991
Annie Boffin  WILL1939
Annie Boffin  ADM1943
Annie Lily Baughan  WILL1990
Anthony Charles John Boffin  ADM1986
Arthur Baughan  WILL1957
Arthur Baughan  ADM1984
Arthur Baughan  ADM1994
Arthur Edward Albert Baughan  ADM1970
Arthur Edwin Boffin  ADM1950
Arthur George Boffin  ADM1947
Arthur Harry  Baughen  ADM1971
Arthur Rowland Baughan  ADM1981
Arthur Sidney Baughan  WILL1988
Arthur Stanley Baughan  ADM1946
Arthur Stephen Baughen  ADM1905
Arthur William Baughan  ADM1952
Arthur Wyndham Baughan  WILL1951
Barbara Kathleen BaughanWILL2002
Barry Boffin  ADM1964
Beatrice May Boffin  WILL1968
Benjamin Bangham   WILL1843
Benjamin John  Baughan  WILL1971
Bernard Arthur Baughan  WIL1992
Bernard BaughanWILL1999
Bertha Louisa Baughan  ADM1952
Bertie Boffin  WILL1969
Bertie George Baughen  WILL1958
Bessie Jane Baughan  WILL1962
Beth Baughan  WILL1982
Betty Margaret Baughan  ADM1977
Blanche Edith Baughan  WILL1958
Blanche Edith Boffin  WILL1985
Blanche Rees Baughn   WILL1991
Brain Harry Boffin  ADM1995
Brenda Ethel Baughan  ADM1943
Bridget Diana BaughanWILL2001
Caroline Boffin  ADM1947
Catherine Baughan  ADM1979
Catherine Boffin  WILL1853
Catherine Mary Baughan  WILL1989
Cecil Austin Boffin  ADM1997
Cecil Henry Baughan  ADM1963
Charles Alfred Baughan  ADM1912
Charles Alfred Baughan  WILL1957
Charles Algernon Baughan  WILL1861
Charles Arthur Baughen  ADM1932
Charles Baden  John Baughen  WILL1982
Charles Baughan  WILL1950
Charles Edward Baughan  WILL1993
Charles Edwin Baughan  WILL1925
Charles Edwin Baughan  ADM1966
Charles Edwin John Baughan  WILL1956
Charles Ernest Baughan  WILL1942
Charles Frederick Baughan  WILL1978
Charles Harold Baughan  WILL1967
Charles Henry Boffin  ADM1930
Charles Henry Boffin  WILL1958
Charles William Baughan  WILL1997
Christopher James Boffin  WILL1939
Cicely Boffin  WILL1986
Cissie Frances Baughn  WILL1986
Cissy Sarah Eliza Baughan  ADM1943
Clara Ann Boffin  ADM1926
Clarice Adelaide Baughen  WILL1986
Clive Reginald Baughan  WILL1986
Constance Mary Baughan  WILL1989
Daisy Matilda Baughan  ADM1930
Daniel Baughan  WILL1693
Daniel Baughan  WILL1847
Daniel Baughan  ADM1860
Daniel Baughan  WILL1937
Daniel Baughan  WILL1978
Daphne Edith BaughanWILL2000
Daphne Eunice Grace Baughan  WILL1987
David Colin Baughan  ADM1982
David Edward Baughan  WILL1996
David Norman Baughan  ADM1962
David Thomas Boffin  WILL1993
Deborah Jane Baughan  ADM1997
Derek Arthur Baughan  WILL1989
Derek John Boffin  WILL1997
Dolina Boffin  ADM1976
Donald Baughan  ADM1993
Donald Herbert Baughan  WILL1983
Dora Rose Boffin  WILL1994
Doris Mabel Baughan  WILL1989
Dorothy Amy Alice Baughan  WILL1980
Dorothy Baughin  ADM1945
Dorothy Boffin  WILL1996
Dorothy May Boffin   WILL1984
Edith Baughan  WILL1973
Edith Fanny Baughan  ADM1973
Edith Irene Boffin  WILL1998
Edith Lillias  Esther Baughan  WILL1967
Edward Algernon Baughan  WILL1938
Edward Bangham  WILL1673
Edward Bangham  WILL1780
Edward Bangham  WILL1812
Edward Baugham  WILL1726
Edward Baugham  WILL1760
Edward Baugham  ADM1798
Edward Baughan  ADM1760
Edward Baughan  ADM1827
Edward Baughan  WILL1882
Edward Baughan  WILL1910
Edward Baughan  WILL1926
Edward Baughan  WILL1972
Edward Boffin  ADM1967
Edward Christopher Baughan  WILL1995
Edwin Baughan  ADM1897
Edwin Baughan  WILL1906
Edwin Baughen  WILL1958
Edwin James Baughen  WILL1994
Eleanor Baughan  WILL1920
Eleanor Thomasine Baughen  ADM1891
Eli Francis Boffin  WILL1970
Eliza Jane Baughan  WILL1905
Elizabeth BanghamWILL1850
Elizabeth Baughan  WILL1860
Elizabeth Baughan  ADM1902
Elizabeth Baughan  WILL1947
Elizabeth Baughan  ADM1958
Elizabeth Baughan  WILL1983
Elizabeth Boffen  WILL1747
Elizabeth Boffin  ADM1892
Elizabeth Clara Baughan  ADM1933
Elizabeth Rebecca Baughan  WILL1969
Elizabeth Turpin Baughan  ADM1865
Elizabth Baughan  WILL1889
Elizabth Baughen  ADM1878
Ellen Baughan  WILL1953
Ellen Baughan  WILL1956
Ellen Baughan  WILL1961
Ellen Baughan  ADM1966
Ellen Baughan  WILL1984
Ellen Baughan  WILL2001
Ellen Boffin  ADM1940
Ellen Boffin  WILL1988
Ellen Lavinia Baughan  WILL1994
Elma Pamela Baughan  ADM1997
Elsie Boffin  WILL1980
Elsie May Baughan  WILL1979
Emily Baughan  ADM1941
Emily Baughen  WILL1927
Emily Baughen  ADM1952
Emily Caroline Baughen  ADM1934
Emily Harriett Baughan  WILL1965
Emily Louisa Baughen  WILL1940
Emily Mary Baughan  WILL1982
Emily Mary Baughan  WILL2002
Emma Baughan  WILL1945
Emma Baughan  WILL1979
Emma Baughan  WILL2002
Emma Baughen  WILL1967
Emma Drummond Baughan  WILL1871
Emma Mary Morpheus Baughen  ADM1995
Enid Mary Baughan  WILL1990
Ephraim James Boffin  WILL1931
Eric Alfred Baughan  WILL1993
Eric Sydney Baughn  WILL1992
Ernest Baughan  WILL1944
Ernest Baughan  WILL1978
Ernest Baughen  WILL1996
Ernest Boffin  WILL1970
Ernest Charles Baughen  WILL1976
Ernest Charles Baughn  ADM1917
Ernest Edward Boffin  WILL1975
Ernest John Baughan  WILL1997
Ernest John Baughen  ADM1948
Ernest Newstead Baughan  WILL1979
Ernest William Baughan  WILL1979
Ernest William Baughen  WILL1974
Esther Jane Baughn  ADM1926
Ethel Alice Baughan  WILL1975
Ethel Baughan  WILL1977
Ethel Boffin  WILL1997
Ethel Gladys Boffin  WILL1969
Ethel May Baughan  ADM1982
Eunice Lilian Baughan  WILL1980
Eva Gweneth BaughanWILL1999
Eva Rose BaughanWILL2002
Evelyn Baughan  WILL1983
Fanny Elizabeth Boffin  ADM1874
Fanny Gertrude Boffin  ADM1962
Florence Annie Baughan  ADM1978
Florence BaughanWILL2001
Florence Boffin  ADM1959
Florence Boffin  ADM1967
Florence Edith BaughenWILL2002
Florence Elizabeth Boffin  WILL1996
Florence Gertrude Boffin  ADM1954
Florence Mary Boffin  ADM1945
Florence Penelope Mabel Boffin  WILL1959
Florence Rowena Grace Baughn  ADM1949
Frances Kathleen BaughenWILL2002
Frances May BaughanWILL2000
Frances May Baughen  WILL1986
Francis Alexander Baughan  WILL1991
Francis Allan BaughanWILL1999
Francis Arthur Rowland Baughan  ADM1967
Francis George Baughan  WILL1962
Francis Robert Henry Baughan  WILL1976
Frank Edwin Baughan  WILL1969
Frederick Alexander Baughan  ADM1982
Frederick Baughan  ADM1907
Frederick Baughan  WILL1966
Frederick Baughan  WILL2002
Frederick Charles Boffin  WILL1969
Frederick George Baughn  ADM1967
Frederick Henry Baughan  ADM1954
Frederick Lionel Boffin  WILL1980
Frederick Reginald Boffin  ADM1963
George Bailey Baughan  ADM1902
George Baughan  WILL1779
George Baughan  WILL1849
George Baughan  WILL1927
George Boffin  ADM1957
George Boffin  WILL1962
George Boffin  WILL1980
George Boffin  WILL1992
George Edward Baughan  ADM1975
George Edwin Baughen  ADM1984
George Henry Baughan  ADM1936
George Henry Boffin  WILL1981
Gertrude Lilian Baughan  WILL1965
Gertrude Phyllis Baughen  WILL1994
Gertrude Theresa Baughan  ADM1955
Gladys Dorothy Baughan  WILL1996
Gladys Eleanor Baughen  WILL1986
Gladys Madeline Litchfield Baughan  WILL1975
Gladys Maude Proctor Baughan  WILL1947
Gladys Winifred Baughan  WILL1992
Gwendolyn Baughan  WILL1952
Harold Arthur Baughan  WILL1996
Harold Doughty Baughan  WILL1963
Harold Douglas Baughan  WILL1980
Harry Baughan  WILL1938
Harry Baughan  ADM1983
Harry Boffin  WILL1982
Harry John Baughan  ADM1943
Harry Richard Boffin  ADM1924
Hebe Ethel Baughan  ADM1971
Hedweg Baughan  WILL1984
Helena Baughan  ADM1962
Henry Arthur BaughanWILL2002
Henry Baugham  WILL1913
Henry Baughan  WILL1614
Henry Baughan  WILL1880
Henry Baughan  WILL1885
Henry Baughan  WILL1886
Henry Baughan  WILL1900
Henry Baughan  ADM1964
Henry Boffin  WILL1932
Henry Boffin  WILL1962
Henry Boffin  WILL1971
Henry Edward Baughan  WILL1947
Henry George Boffin  WILL1976
Henry Percy Baughan  WILL1969
Henry Reginald Baughan  WILL1969
Henry Thomas Baughan  WILL1924
Henry William Baughan  ADM1965
Herbert Francis Baughan  WILL1975
Herbert Kerwood Baughan  WILL1945
Horace Arthur Baughan  WILL1990
Horace Ernest Baughan  WILL1957
Horace John Baughn  WILL1986
Horace Leslie Baughan  WILL1960
Horace Sydney Baughan  ADM1980
Humphrey Baughan   WILL1715
Ian Hamilton Baughn  ADM1945
Ian Keith Baughan  ADM1974
Irene Mary Baughan  WILL1995
Isabella Richardson Baughan  ADM1955
Ivy Alice Baughen  ADM1971
Ivy Ellen BoffinWILL2001
Jack Boffin  WILL1988
Jack William BaughanWILL2001
Jacqueline Fors Baughan  WILL1986
James Albert Boffin  ADM1996
James Arnold Boffin  WILL1962
James Baughan  WILL1794
James Baughan  WILL1801
James Baughan  ADM1841
James Baughan  WILL1844
James Baughan  WILL1893
James Baughan  ADM1915
James Baughan  WILL1960
James Boffin  WILL1900
James Boughan  WILL1633
James Harry Boffin  ADM1959
James Percival Baughan  ADM1991
Jane Baughan  WILL1902
Jane Baughan  WILL1970
Jane Elizabeth Baughan  ADM1946
Jane Elizabeth Charlotte Baughan   WILL1975
Jean Ann BaughanWILL2001
Jeanette Saidee Baughan  WILL1965
Jeremy Baffin  WILL1627
Jeremy Baffyn  WILL1594
Jessie Marguerite Baughan  ADM1983
Jill Margaret Baughan  WILL1997
Joan Boffin  WILL1690
Joane Baughan  WILL1616
John Arthur Boffin  WILL1958
John Bangham BirdWILL1741
John Bangham BirdWILL1850
John Baughan  WILL1667
John Baughan  WILL1668
John Baughan  WILL1739
John Baughan  WILL1775
John Baughan  WILL1834
John Baughan  WILL1852
John Baughan  WILL1875
John Baughan  WILL1880
John Baughan  WILL1899
John Baughan  ADM1955
John Baughen  WILL1838
John Baughen  WILL1840
John Baughn  WILL1951
John Baughn  ADM1976
John Beaumont Baughan  WILL1972
John Boffin  ADM1812
John Boffin  WILL1941
John Charles Baugham  WILL1916
John Edward Baughan  ADM1905
John Edward Baughan  WILL1924
John Edward Baughan  WILL1996
John Edward Boffin  WILL1992
John Henry Baughan  WILL1968
John Horace Keith Baughen  WILL1966
John Kilminster Baughan  WILL1970
John Lawrence BaughenWILL2000
John Samuel Boffin  WILL1940
John Turvey Boffin  ADM1914
John William Baughan  ADM1933
John William Baughan  WILL1945
John William Baughan  ADM1959
John William Boffin  WILL1993
John William Charles Baughan  WILL1972
Joseph Baughan  ADM1844
Joseph Baughan  WILL1916
Joseph Baughan  WILL1926
Joseph Baughan   WILL1831
Joseph Baughen  WILL1886
Joseph Boffin  ADM1979
Joseph Francis Baughan  WILL1955
Joseph Henry Baughan  ADM1936
Joseph Henry Baughan  ADM1951
Joseph William Baughan  ADM1964
Josephine Mary Baughan  WILL1990
Joyce Alberta Baughan  WILL1996
Joyce Muriel Baughan  WILL1996
Joyce Violet Baughan  ADM1977
Julia Elizabeth BaughanWILL2002
Julia Ethel Baughan  ADM1980
Juliana Baugham  ADM1913
Kate Duncan  WILL1944
Kate Florence Baughen  ADM1992
Kate Miriam Baughan  WILL1956
Kathleen Dorothy BoffinWILL2000
Keith Baughan  WILL1990
Kenneth Baughan  WILL1996
Leonard Baughan  WILL1929
Leonard George Arthur Boffin  WILL1973
Leslie Albert George Baughan   WILL1986
Leslie Kilminster Baughan  ADM1943
Leslie Thomas Baughan  ADM1981
Lilian Esther  Baughan  WILL1996
Lilian Florence Baughn  ADM1992
Lily Baughan  ADM1985
Lily Grace Baughan  ADM1974
Linda Louisa Baughan  WILL1995
Lois BaughanWILL2000
Louisa Anna Baughen  WILL1931
Louisa Baughan  ADM1905
Louisa Baughan  WILL1932
Louisa Baughan  ADM1936
Louisa Baughan  WILL1938
Louisa Elizabeth Baughen  WILL1960
Louisa Victoria Baughan  ADM1949
Louise Boffin  WILL1963
Lucas Baughan   ADM1682
Lucas Baughan   WILL1770
Lucy Baughan  ADM1950
Lucy Boffin  WILL1941
Lucy Davys Boffin  WILL1906
Lydia Gertrude Baughen  WILL1936
Lynn Elizabeth Catherine Baughan-Howell  WILL1997
Mabel Alice Baughan  ADM1934
Mabel Annie Baughan  WILL1982
Mabel Doris Baughan  WILL1975
Mabel Evelyn Baughan  WILL1989
Mabel Kate Baughan  WILL1981
Mabel Sophia Baughan  ADM1961
Majorie Joan Baughan  WILL1988
Marcella Evelyn Baughen  ADM1960
Margaret Ada Boffin  WILL1964
Margaret Ann Baughan  WILL1968
Margaret Baughan  ADM1993
Margaret Esther Baughan  WILL1941
Margaret Georgina Baughan  ADM1978
Margery Phyllis Boffin  WILL1981
Marguerite Audrey Boffin  WILL1995
Maria Boffin  WILL1947
Maria Eugenia Or Auz Boffin  ADM1989
Marion May Boffin  WILL1969
Marjorie Boffin  WILL1985
Martha Ellen Baughan  ADM1971
Mary Ann Baughan  WILL1853
Mary Ann Baughan  WILL1872
Mary Ann Baughen  WILL1947
Mary Ann Baughen  ADM1963
Mary Ann Elizabeth Boffin  WILL1942
Mary Ann Kate Boffin  WILL1980
Mary Ann Rebecca Baughan  ADM1932
Mary Anne Baughen  WILL1898
Mary Baughan  ADM1849
Mary Baughan  WILL1967
Mary Baughan  WILL1985
Mary Baughan   WILL1832
Mary Baughan   ADM1843
Mary Diana Baughan  WILL1979
Mary Eleanor Baughan  WILL1968
Mary Eleanor Baughan  WILL1985
Mary Elizabeth Hope Baughan  WILL1954
Mary Elizabeth Kate Baughan  WILL1953
Mary Esther Baughen  WILL1970
Mary Rowena Winfield Baughan  WILL1978
Matthew Henry Boffin  ADM1933
Maud Mary Baughen  WILL1965
Maude Mary Baughan  WILL1933
Maurice Eric BaughenWILL1999
Maurice Leonard Baughan  WILL1980
May Boffin  ADM1988
May Cecilia Baughn  WILL1962
May Edith Boffin  ADM1971
May Maud Ellen Baughan  WILL1988
Megan Dorcas Elizabeth BaughanWILL1999
Mercy Baughan  ADM1830
Michael Baughan   WILL1729
Millicent Helen Baughan  WILL1965
Mini Margretta BaughanWILL2001
Minnie Elizabeth Baughen  WILL1948
Minnie Rose BaughanWILL2002
Minnie Ruth Baughan  WILL1950
Nellie Baughan  ADM1966
Nellie Harriet Victoria Baughan  ADM1976
Nellie Mary Fontein Baughen  WILL1941
Nellie Winifred Baughan  WILL1989
Nellie Winifred Baughan  WILL1996
Nicholas Baffyn   WILL1543
Nora Baughan  WILL1995
Norah Beaumont Baughan  WILL1978
Norah Edith Baughen  WILL1986
Norman George Baughan  ADM1998
Olive Ellen Baughan  WILL1990
Olive Irene Baughan  ADM1941
Olive Muriel Baughen  ADM1985
Pamela Winifred Boffin  WILL1987
Pauline BaughanWILL2001
Pearl Gwendolen Boffin  WILL1998
Percy John Baughen  ADM1963
Philip Henry Baughan  WILL1995
Phoebe Elizabeth Baughen  WILL1940
Phoebe Tabitha Baughan  ADM1939
Phyllis Constance  Baughan  WILL1996
Phyllis Lilian Baughen  ADM1994
Plowden James Baughen  WILL1933
Rachel Baughan  ADM1897
Radmore Charles Baughan  WILL1974
Ralph Stuart Baughan  ADM1998
Raymond Albert Baughan  WILL1973
Raymond Charles Baughan  ADM1967
Rebecca Baughan  WILL1909
Reginald Cecil Baughen  ADM1970
Reginald Clarence Baughan  WILL1983
Reginald Francis Boffin  WILL1992
Reuben Edward Baughen  WILL1907
Richard Baughan   WILL1819
Richard Baughen  WILL1878
Rita Mary Baughan  WILL1986
Robert Baughan  WILL1726
Robert Baughan  WILL1907
Robert Baughen  WILL1908
Robert Baughen  WILL1963
Robert Burns Boffin  WILL1976
Robert Dolley  WILL1715
Robert Godfrey Baughen  ADM1975
Robert Henry Baughan  WILL1997
Robert Leonard Baughan  ADM1944
Robert William Baffin  ADM1985
Roger Boughan  WILL1580
Ronald Boffin  ADM1990
Ronald Herbert Baughan  ADM1968
Ronald William Boffin  WILL1993
Rose Boffin  WILL1931
Rose Boffin  WILL1967
Rose Ella Baughan  ADM1980
Rosemary BaughanWILL1999
Ruth Baughan  WILL1902
Ruth Baughan  WILL1941
Ruth Winsome Key Baughan  WILL1984
Sam Baughan  WILL1940
Samuel Baughan  WILL1697
Samuel Baughan   WILL1784
Samuel John Baughan  WILL1938
Sarah Ann Eliza Boffin  ADM1959
Sarah Baugham  ADM1846
Sarah Baughen  ADM1895
Sarah Baughen  WILL1907
Sarah Baughen  ADM1926
Sarah Elizabeth Baughan  ADM1907
Sarah Gertrude Boffin  WILL1976
Sarah Spiers  WILL1927
Selina Baughan  WILL1996
Shiela Frances Baughan  ADM1993
Sidney Thomas Baughen  WILL1973
Simon Boughan   WILL1592
Sonia Eileen Baughan  ADM1992
Sophia Baughan  WILL1938
Sophia Harriet Boffin  ADM1934
Stanley Clarence Boffin  WILL1979
Stanley Thomas BaughanWILL2002
Stanley Victor BaughanWILL2001
Stephen John Baughan  ADM1991
Susan Jean Baughan  ADM1992
Sydney  Baughan  ADM1996
Telford Boffin   ADM1984
Terence John Baughan  WILL1996
Thomas Alfred BaughanWILL2002
Thomas Baffayne   WILL1597
Thomas Bangham  WILL1790
Thomas Baugham  WILL1622
Thomas Baughan  WILL1834
Thomas Baughan  WILL1835
Thomas Baughan  ADM1839
Thomas Baughan  ADM1860
Thomas Baughan  WILL1861
Thomas Boffin  ADM1929
Thomas Edgar Baughan  ADM1950
Thomas Edward Boffin  WILL1966
Thomas Edwin Baughan  WILL1959
Thomas Frederick Baughan  WILL1965
Thomas Henry Baughan  WILL1961
Thomas Henry Baughen  WILL1930
Thomas Henry Baughen  ADM1959
Thomas Henry Boffin  ADM1967
Thomas Lewis Boffin  WILL1972
Thomas Samuel Baughen  WILL1941
Thomas William Alfred Boffin  WILL1981
Thomas William Baughan  WILL1969
Thomas William Henry Baughan  ADM1942
Timothy Robert Baughen  ADM1972
Trevor Roderick Boffin  ADM1974
Vera Jessie Baughan  ADM1987
Victor Edward Baughan  WILL1971
Victor Robert Baughan  ADM1967
Victor Ronald Baughan  WILL1994
Victor Vare Boffin  WILL1979
Violet Agnes Anne Nichols Boffin  ADM1966
Violet Alice Baughen  WILL1970
Violet Grace Baughan  ADM1993
Violet Hilda BaughanWILL1999
Violet Justina Baughan  WILL1942
Violet Lily Boffin  WILL1992
Violet Rose Baughan  WILL1968
Walter James Baughan  ADM1960
William Amos Boffin  WILL1973
William Arthur Baughan  ADM1967
William Bangham  WILL1819
William Bangham  WILL1834
William Bangham  WILL1837
William Bangham  (2)WILL1837
William Bauffin  WILL1672
William Baughan  WILL1757
William Baughan  WILL1804
William Baughan  ADM1809
William Baughan  WILL1824
William Baughan  WILL1840
William Baughan  WILL1848
William Baughan  ADM1849
William Baughan  WILL1853
William Baughan  WILL1872
William Baughan  WILL1885
William Baughan  ADM1892
William Baughan  ADM1906
William Baughan  WILL1906
William Baughan  WILL1924
William Baughan  WILL1925
William Baughan  WILL1969
William Baughen  WILL1943
William Baughen  WILL1966
William Boffin  ADM1891
William Boffin  WILL1911
William Boffin  ADM1917
William Boffin  ADM1975
William Boughan  WILL1609
William Daniel Baughan  ADM1893
William Frederick Arthur Baughan  ADM1980
William Frederick BaughanWILL2003
William Frederick Baughen  ADM1956
William Halliwell BaughanWILL2000
William Henry Baughan  WILL1926
William Henry Baughan  ADM1930
William Henry Baughan  ADM1960
William Henry Baughan  WILL1977
William Henry Boffin  ADM1879
William Henry Boffin  ADM1943
William Howard Boffin  WILL1978
William John Baughan  ADM1950
William John Boffin  WILL1972
William Robert Baughan  ADM1954
William Robert George Baughen  WILL1940
William Samuel Turpin Baughan  WILL1825
Winifred Colegrave Baughan  ADM1919
Winifred Rosa Baughen  WILL1993
Yvonne Beverley Baughan  ADM1983